blog ur like so dead...
ok & anyway sku started like 2 days ago. DT sounds horrible. DT for this term! something i dread so much.
ok anyway, monday car gave us gifts she bought fm taiwan. i like tat cute plushie ;D
well played shit during band.
and tomoro theres band. and public speaking thing.
if only i can just play it in good rhythm n tone.
if only i can just train up real fast.
i really wonder how the seniors can practise to tat perfect. *sighs*
anyway for tat public speaking thing.
sumone suggested one trick she learnt from storybooks is tt if sumone has stage fright, try imagine every1 in their underwear.
rofl. if i were to try tt, i tink i will burst out laughing! then everyone will think im crazy. stage-scared-mad-laugh.
o well i dun think i'll rmb tt tomoro ye, so no worries (:
there are like people who dun worry. get scoldings, dun worry, dun care so much. n they get scolding again. still no worries. bt they got improve la.
tats like kinda good, cos they are the happiest people in the world.
so. learn. to. be. like. that.